I don’t know about you, but I desperately need role models. Following are the men who inspired me to be a better husband.
- Jesus of Nazareth to His Church: “Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” - He reserved nothing to Himself. He gave all to her.
- Joseph Ben Jacob to Mary, mother of Jesus: “Joseph was a man who always did what was right, but he did not want to disgrace Mary publicly.”
- Joshua Jacob to Mary Jacob: ”I don’t care if people think that I am afraid of my wife. What I do care is I love my wife!” - something like that :)
- Randy Pausch to Jai Pausch: "I waited until I was 39 to get married because it took me that long to find someone whose happiness meant more to me than my own."
- Adrian Monk to Trudy Monk: “She’s always with me… Every time I close my eyes… She’s always 34 years old. She’s always wearing the same dress. And, she’s always – so…” - Well, it is fiction, but the truth about his deep love to Trudy remains.
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