Nindita, Papa hope you would like the name we gave to you. Papa and Mama had prayed and taken so much consideration because it would be our wish and prayer for your future. Since the beginning, Papa and Mama had agreed to give you Indonesian name, Javanese in particular. Your Papa is pure Javanese and Mama is Chinese Indonesian who is fond of Indonesian culture, especially batik. By the way, your Mama prayed fervently during her pregnancy that your complexion would be like hers instead of Papa’s and God answered her faith. Papa did not mind at all. You will understand why later on.
Mama agreed instantly when Papa offered the name Nindita, an old Javanese word meaning excellent. Actually Papa loved Anindita better, a variant of Nindita, but oh well. Papa is the head, your Mama is the neck. Anyway, we loved to think that every time we called or yelled your name, we actually called forth your destiny that you were born to be an excellent person, not because your ended-with-vowel- name will carry our yelling.
For the middle name, we had quite long arguments, until Papa won and Mama yielded her favorite Catherine for Erin. Papa fell in love with the name Erin after watching Erin Brockovich, starring Julia Roberts who won Academy Awards for Best Actress in this film. You must watch this movie when you grow up. At the moment, Papa did not know the meaning of Erin, it just sounded good to Papa’s ears. And thank God for Larry Page and Sergey Brin for inventing Google. Papa found out that Erin was the ancient Irish name for Ireland, meaning peace. Papa and Mama believed that you would become a blessed peacemaker for those in need one day. Yes, it’s not Indonesian name but at least it is very easy-to-pronounce for Indonesians.
Since both Papa and Mama only had first name, no last name and definitely no middle name, we wanted to make a family name for you and if God willed it for your future siblings as well. Pradipta meant shining light. It was chosen because it represented the meaning of your parents’ names which had quite similar implication. Papa’s name meant light and Mama’s meant sun. Papa and Mama would love to witness the light which God lighted in you on the day you were born to shine brighter and brighter until the perfect day.
And so my beloved daughter, your name signifies Papa and Mama’s hope for your future. We will always pray that you would become an excellent and peaceful light to the world. Your light would not be dazzling or hurting, but peaceful and excellent. Nindita, let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven, Amen.
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