O Deus, Ego Amo Te (My God I Love Thee)

Latin hymn, attributed to St. Francis Xavier. Tr. Edward Caswall (1506–1552)

My God, I love thee: not because
I hope for heaven thereby,
Nor because they who love thee not
Must burn eternally.

Thou, O my Jesus, Thou didst me
Upon the Cross embrace;
For me didst bear the nails and spear,
And manifold disgrace.

And grief and torments numberless,
And sweat of agony;
Yea, death itself; and all for me
Who was thine enemy.

Then why, O Blessed Jesus Christ,
Should I not love thee well?
Not for the hope of winning heaven,
Nor of escaping hell;

Not with the hope of gaining aught,
Not seeking a reward;
But as thyself hast loved me,
O ever-loving Lord!

E’en so I love thee and will love,
And in thy praise will sing,
Solely because thou art my God,
And my eternal King.


  1. I like the final verse :)
    I'm looking forward to lyrics or poems that you make yourself :D

  2. That's my favorite too.

    I made one in my blog (Morning Kiss and Roses). Please make a mild comment for that, ok? :) That's the first one.

    And actually just this morning I composed a song when I was playing with Nindi, unfinished sih and still needed to be finalized later.


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